The Science Behind the Skincare Company
At The Skincare Company, we’re proud to bring some much needed intelligence and insight to an industry full of junk and jargon. That’s why we go beyond working with bio-physicists, taking the time to explain the science behind our products.
After all, what’s the point of a product listing its ingredients if it doesn’t explain the benefit? For example, our Hyaluronic B5 Serum uses Vitamin B5 has anti-inflammatory properties, and is an important co-factor for the correct functioning of some important enzymes involved in skin healing and renewal. The result is improved hydration, elasticity, softness in your skin.
You’ll notice we talk about ‘active’ ingredients too. So what does that mean? Active ingredients work for you! They generally should always pre exist in the human body, so that the body can easily digest and absorb their benefits with maximum efficiency. Our active ingredients are carefully selected over years of clinical research so that our products have all the necessary tools to combat aging and other skin concerns.
Unlike other brands, The Skincare Company doesn’t use ‘filler’ ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or nasty parabens. Our philosophy is to combine only the absolute necessary clinical grade raw ingredients into formulations that work, and leave all the other stuff (that do nothing) out.
We have a longstanding relationship with our world respected, in-clinic Bio Physicist, who has extensive experience in skin delivery systems and in particular, wound healing and skin regeneration. He, along with the rest of our team of skin specialists all share the same passion for creating products which are both potent and easy to use. This ability to fully understand how your skin reacts to certain ingredients in certain conditions, and also how to deliver the necessary ingredients in the most efficient and effective way, sets us apart from all others.
We don’t believe the science of skincare should be hidden, which is why we’re open about how our products work. You’ll find more specific detail on each of our commonly known active ingredients on our Science page here and our Super Serums journal article here.